Fall 2020 Floodplain Management Workshops and Webinars

Workshop Dates: October 15 and November 2, 2020
Webinar Dates: October 19 and 21, 2020

The fall 2020 floodplain management workshops and webinars were sponsored by the Office of Chehalis Basin and targeted at basin city and county permit officials, elected officials, and the general public.

The workshops provided the opportunity for basin permit officials and emergency management staff to learn (or add to their existing knowledge) about the Basics of Floodplain Regulations (October 15 workshop) and Regulating After a Disaster (November 2 workshop).

The webinars were oriented more towards elected officials and the general public and covered basic information about the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), floodplain management, maps and regulations, and flood insurance and flood hazard mitigation. All agendas, presentations and references for the workshops and webinars will be posted below after each of the virtual events along with recordings.

