ASRP Phase 1 Draft Plan Comments

To provide your comments, please fill in the contact information below and enter text into the “Comments” text box. You can also attach up to two (2) file attachments (total attachment size limited to 10MB). Electronic file attachments should avoid the use of special characters and any form of encryption, and be free of any defects or viruses.

When submitting feedback, we are especially interested in reviewers’ responses to the following questions:

  1. What do you value about each of the three restoration and protection scenarios described in the ASRP and what would you change? Are there other actions and/or areas needed to make the basin more resilient to climate change?
  2. The success of the ASRP relies on landowner support for increased restoration and protection. What additional actions/support is necessary to ensure landowners are supportive and helping to lead implementation through their involvement in this effort?
  3. The level of restoration needed in a relatively short timeframe is unprecedented.  What will improve the certainty that the work can get done at the scale proposed, and in the timeframe needed to counter the negative effects of climate change?
  4. For practitioners and those interested in doing restoration in the Chehalis Basin – How does the Phase 1 ASRP help you as a practitioner? Where do you see your role in implementing this plan? What specifically would you like added in future phases that would help you implement the actions needed to protect and restore aquatic habitat in the Chehalis Basin?

Commenting is currently closed.