Erosion Management Program

Erosion rates are a top concern throughout the Chehalis Basin. We use natural, proven techniques to slow erosion that provide protection from flooding and benefit aquatic habitat.

The Erosion Management Program (EMP) is an integrated program that promotes the use of natural materials in bank protection design to simultaneously maintain and improve stream and riparian habitats while also slowing erosion in the Chehalis Basin.

EMP serves public and private landowners who are willing to work with a local project sponsor (e.g., Conservation District) to address either urgent or long-term erosion concerns that threaten public infrastructure, private residential structures, commercial structures, or agricultural land.

NEW! The Office of Chehalis Basin has developed an Erosion Management Guidebook to help Chehalis Basin landowners, residents, and contractors learn about bioengineered soft shoreline techniques that can be used immediately or in the long term to solve bank erosion issues. Previously used hard shoreline techniques that installed materials such as rock or concrete are frequently no longer permitted because they cause negative impacts to salmon and their shoreline habitats and can cause erosion issues to move downstream to neighboring properties. Learn more about the bioengineered options in the link above.

Projects the EMP Funds Include:

  1. Urgent/Imminent Projects that address erosion problems posing an immediate threat to eligible structures or agricultural land in the near term and provide habitat benefits.
  2. Proactive Reach-scale Projects address erosion problems that do not require immediate action, but address reach-scale erosion concerns for multiple landowners and provide substantial habitat benefits.
  3. Technical Advancement Studies or Projects support basin jurisdictions with resources to improve their land use management in erosion hazard areas or helps them monitor and track projects, and/or supports landowners with educational materials.

EMP Funding

OCB is currently accepting applications for grant funding to support Urgent/Imminent Projects through the Erosion Management Program. After our first successful year, the Chehalis Basin Board has allocated additional funds to the program to be granted before the end of the 2023-25 biennium. OCB’s priority is to fund Urgent/Imminent Projects that arise in the Chehalis Basin from now until January 2025. This first round of project proposals will be accepted from sponsors through September 30, 2024, for evaluation by the EMP Technical Review Team (TRT). After that, OCB will continue to accept Urgent/Imminent Project proposals on a rolling basis for projects that may arise this winter through January 31, 2025.  This gives OCB a chance to potentially fund any unforeseen urgent erosion projects that may come up in the 2024-25 flood season. 

Sponsors must complete and email the following form to Jennifer Lewis, EMP Program Manager ( in order to submit a funding application.

OCB is also informally collecting ideas for Technical Advancement Studies to fund in the 2025-27 biennium. Project sponsors with technical study needs are encouraged to send 1-2 sentences describing the proposed effort to Jennifer Lewis ( by January 31, 2025. While EMP does not plan to fund additional technical advancement work this biennium, OCB is interested in knowing what sponsors might be hoping to pursue in this project category during the next funding cycle. This could include ideas to support basin jurisdictions by funding or developing technical resources and additional studies, mapping efforts, and outreach to stakeholders and residents within the Chehalis Basin that are intended to develop useful guidance products to further support the purpose and goals of the program.

How Does the Application/Selection Process Work?


Project Sponsor and landowner develop project concept and fill out EMP application


Project Sponsor submits application to OCB


EMP Technical Review Team reviews application, conducts site visit (and evaluates proactive reach-scale projects)


OCB determines whether a project is funded and notifies applicants of its decision


Sponsors of funded projects sign contract and begin work

Click here to read the EMP Framework Memorandum.

Get More Information

If you’d like to learn more about the Erosion Management Program, please contact your local Conservation District representative!

Grays Harbor Conservation District
Anthony Waldrop

Lewis County Conservation District
Bob Amrine

Thurston County Conservation District
Katrinka Hibler