Chehalis River Basin Flood Damage Reduction Project
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is preparing the Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) evaluating the Chehalis River Basin Flood Control Zone District’s proposal under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). USACE has determined that the proposal could have significant adverse environmental impacts, requiring formal studies of probable impacts through a NEPA EIS.
What is NEPA?
NEPA requires federal agencies to consider environmental values alongside the technical and economic considerations that are inherent factors in federal permit decision making. It is important to emphasize that no permit decisions can be made until after the environmental review process is complete. Federal agencies’ analyses are published in a Draft EIS for public review and comment. Once the public’s comments have been reviewed, federal agencies prepare a Final EIS.
Scoping process
The public scoping period was held from September 28 through October 29, 2018, which is the first step in the EIS process. The purpose of scoping is to receive public input on the scope of the NEPA EIS to help identify project alternatives, probable significant adverse impacts, potential mitigation measures, and licenses or other approvals that may be required. Scoping comments have been summarized in the NEPA Scoping Report. The scoping report summarizes input received on what should be included in the Draft EIS. Visit the EIS Scoping page for more information on the scoping process and to view scoping materials.
Draft EIS
The Draft EIS evaluation found that the proposed project would potentially affect water quantity and quality, geology and geologic hazards, geomorphology, wetlands and other waters, aquatic species and habitat, terrestrial species and habitat, air quality, visual quality, noise and vibration, land use, recreation, cultural resources, transportation, public services and utilities, environmental health and safety, socioeconomics, and environmental justice.
The Draft EIS is available for download and review at the links below. The Draft EIS and appendices are in Adobe PDF format, and are compatible with assistive technology such as screen readers.
- Executive Summary, Chehalis River Basin Flood Damage Reduction Project Draft NEPA EIS
- Chehalis River Basin Flood Damage Reduction Project Draft NEPA EIS
- Appendix A, Distribution List
- Appendix B, List of Preparers
- Appendix C, References Cited in the Environmental Impact Statement
- Appendix D, Selection and Description of the Alternatives
- Appendix E, Impact Levels
- Appendix F, Regulatory Context and Permits and Approvals
- Appendix G, Discipline Report for Water Quantity and Quality
- Appendix H, Discipline Report for Geology and Geologic Hazards
- Appendix I, Discipline Report for Geomorphology
- Appendix J, Discipline Report for Wetlands and Other Waters
- Appendix K, Discipline Report for Aquatic Species and Habitats
- Appendix L, Discipline Report for Terrestrial Species and Habitats
- Appendix M, Air Quality Impact Analysis
- Appendix N, Visual Quality Impact Analysis
- Appendix O, Noise Impact Analysis
- Appendix P, Socioeconomics Impact Analysis
- Appendix Q, Environmental Justice Impact Analysis
Public comments on the draft EIS
USACE requested comments from members of the public, organizations, tribes, and government agencies about the EIS between September 18, 2020, and November 17, 2020, and will review and consider all comments received. The comments are available below as PDF files, organized by the type of commenter.
Final EIS
USACE has reviewed public comments on the Draft EIS and is preparing the Final EIS. The Final EIS will include a response to the comments received on the Draft EIS, as well as changes to the body of the EIS where applicable. After publishing the Final EIS, USACE will prepare a Record of Decision (ROD).
Record of decision
The ROD will document USACE’s review of project effects and determinations of consistency with the legal and regulatory requirements of a Department of the Army permit. This will include a public interest review, consideration of tribal treaty rights, and a review for consistency with the requirements of the Clean Water Act. Reviews in the ROD will rely in part on the information and analysis from the Final EIS. The ROD is the final step in USACE’s NEPA process.
Contact us
Environmental Contact
Jenae Churchill
USACE EIS Project Manager
(509) 423-6538
Media Contact
William Dowell
USACE Public Affairs
(206) 764-3560
cell: (206) 303-7758
Twitter: @seattledistrict