Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement
The Washington State Department of Ecology prepared a State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) to evaluate a suite of actions to reduce flood damage and restore aquatic species habitat.
More than 500 comments were received during the Draft PEIS public comment period, and responses to the comments received are included in the Final EIS. The Final EIS has been published as an addendum to the Draft PEIS, and both can be found below.
Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement
- Letter: SEPA Addendum Letter
- Fact Sheet: Fact Sheet
- ES: Executive Summary
- Volume 1: EIS Comment Response Report (excluding attachment)
- Volume 2: EIS Comment Response Report Attachment 1: Coded Comment Record
- Draft EIS: Draft EIS; Revised List of Contributors
Draft Programmatic EIS Comment Period Extension Memorandum
SEPA Draft Programmatic EIS Addendum
Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement
- ES: Excutive Summary
- Volume 1: Draft EIS Main Document (excluding appendices)
- Volume 2: Draft EIS Compiled Appendices
- Cover: Cover, Fact Sheet, Table of Contents, Acronyms and Abbreviations
- Chapter 1: EIS Overview
- Chapter 2: Alternatives
- Chapter 3: Affected Environment
- Chapter 4: Action Elements: Impacts and Mitigation
- Chapter 5: Combined Alternatives: Impacts and Mitigation
- 5.1: Introduction
- 5.2: No Action Alternative
- 5.3: Alternative 1: 2014 Governor’s Work Group Recommendation
- 5.4: Alternative 2: Structural Flood Protection Without Flood Retention Facility
- 5.5: Alternative 3: Nonstructural Flood Protection
- 5.6: Alternative 4: Restorative Flood Protection
- 5.7: Comparison of Alternatives
- 5.8: Cumulative Impacts
- Chapter 6: Consultation and Coordination
- Chapter 7: References
- Chapter 8: List of Contributors
- Appendix A: Review of the Potential Effects of Forest Practices on Stream Flow in the Chehalis River Basin
- Appendix B: Scoping Summary Report
- Appendix C: Draft Economics Report
- Appendix D: Surface Water and Groundwater Quality Standards
- Appendix E: Evaluation of Forest Practice Effects on Landslides and Erosion in the Chehalis Basin
- Appendix F: Description of Wetland Types, Complexes, and Mitigation Banks in the Chehalis Basin
- Appendix G: Species and Habitat Information
- Appendix H: Support Documentation: Flood Retention Facility Long-term Impacts and Mitigation
- Appendix I: Adverse Long-term Impact Indicators
- Appendix J: Technical Memorandum on Proposed Flood Retention Facility Pre-construction Vegetation Management Plan
- Appendix K: Effects of Temperature Reduction and Flow Augmentation on Spring-run Chinook Salmon
- Appendix L: Build Out Analysis
For additional supporting documentation related to the Programmatic EIS, visit the Publications page.
Draft Programmatic EIS Public Comments
- Business
- Local Government
- Organizations
- Tribal
- Federal and State Agencies
- Citizens
- American Whitewater Form Letter
- Conservation Northwest Form Letter
- October 18, 2016 Public Hearing in Chehalis
- October 27, 2016 Public Hearing in Montesano
Fact Sheets
- Fish and Wildlife
- Water Resources
- Geology and Geomorphology
- Actions and Alternatives
- Land Use
- Wetlands and Vegetation