Workshop Dates: October 15 and November 2, 2020
Webinar Dates: October 19 and 21, 2020
The fall 2020 floodplain management workshops and webinars were sponsored by the Office of Chehalis Basin and targeted at basin city and county permit officials, elected officials, and the general public.
The workshops provided the opportunity for basin permit officials and emergency management staff to learn (or add to their existing knowledge) about the Basics of Floodplain Regulations (October 15 workshop) and Regulating After a Disaster (November 2 workshop).
The webinars were oriented more towards elected officials and the general public and covered basic information about the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), floodplain management, maps and regulations, and flood insurance and flood hazard mitigation. All agendas, presentations and references for the workshops and webinars will be posted below after each of the virtual events along with recordings.
Agendas and Recordings
- October 15, 2020 Floodplain Regulations Workshop Agenda
- October 15, 2020 Floodplain Regulations Workshop Recording
- October 19 and 21, 2020 Intro to Floodplain Management Webinar Agenda
- October 21, 2020 Intro to Floodplain Management Webinar Recording
- November 2, 2020 Regulating After a Disaster Workshop Agenda
- November 2, 2020 Regulating After a Disaster Workshop Recording (part 1)
- November 2, 2020 Regulating After a Disaster Workshop Recording (part 2)
- October 15, 2020 Floodplain Regulations Workshop Presentations
- October 19 and 21, 2020 Intro to Floodplain Management Presentation
- November 2, 2020 Regulating After a Disaster Workshop Presentations
- General References for Floodplain Regulations
- FEMA 480 FPM Desk Reference ‒ The basic guide on the regulatory requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program and how to administer the floodplain management ordinance.
- Flood Maps and Data
- Community Flood Insurance Studies, Flood Insurance Rate Maps, and Lewis County’s separate floodway maps can be downloaded at FEMA’s Flood Map Service Center, Copy the URL into your browser and click on “Search All Products” to access the current and historical maps and studies for any community.
- WSE Chehalis Basin Map 100-Year Flood ‒ Maps and base flood elevations on the Chehalis River and some tributaries, developed by Watershed Science & Engineering. The maps have been broken into two, smaller, files, one for plates 1 – 18 and one for plates 19 – 38.
- WSE Chehalis Basin Map 2007 Flood ‒ Maps and flood elevations for the 2007 flood on the Chehalis River and some tributaries, developed by Watershed Science & Engineering. The maps have been broken into two, smaller, files, one for plates 1 – 18 and one for plates 19 – 38.
- General Development Standards
- FEMA Reg 10 Newsletter October 2020 ‒ Includes a discussion of why fences and similar small projects need a floodplain permit and how to subscribe to the newsletter.
- FEMA Floodway Guide 1979 ‒ An older, but useful, guide to floodway mapping, permitting, and conduct of a “no rise” analysis.
- New Buildings
- FEMA Tech Bulletins Update March 2002 ‒ FEMA’s Technical Bulletins are relatively short references with the latest guidance on the listed topics related to new construction standards.
- FEMA P-85 Manufactured Homes Guide ‒ Guidance on the NFIP requirements for installing manufactured homes and protection measures for flooding, wind, and earthquake hazards.
- FEMA P-85 Manufactured Homes flyer ‒ A two-page overview of P-85.
- FEMA 301 ICC Guidance for Local Officials ‒ A guide for permit offices on Increased Cost of Compliance, a source of financial assistance to help fund flood protection measures for substantially damaged buildings that receive a flood insurance claim.
- Existing Buildings
- FEMA P-758 Sub Imp Sub Dam Desk Reference ‒ The basic guide to managing the substantial improvement and substantial damage requirements for existing buildings.
- FEMA P-467-2 Historic Structures ‒ Floodplain management regulations that affect historic structures, including guidance on exempting certain historic structures from the substantial improvement requirements.
- Administration
- FF086033_ElevCert, Form Only RE 11 Feb 2020 ‒ A PDF fillable form version of FEMA’s 2019 Elevation Certificate, without the instructions.
- FF086033_ElevCert RE 11 Feb 2020 ‒ A PDF fillable form version of FEMA’s 2019 Elevation Certificate, with the instructions and building diagram explanations.
- FF-086034_Nonres.Floodproofing_RE 11 Feb 2020 ‒ A PDF fillable form version of FEMA’s 2019 Floodproofing Certificate.
- Floodplain-development-permit. WA template ‒ The PDF version of the Department of Ecology’s sample template for a floodplain permit.
- Floodplain-development-permit. WA template ‒ The Word version of the Department of Ecology’s sample template for a floodplain permit that allows tailoring and additions to better fit a community’s needs.
- Post-Disaster Tasks
- Disaster Declarations
- Inspecting Damaged Buildings
- Sources of Assistance